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No More Snow-Stressed Nights: The Ultimate Guide to Residential Snow Removal

Winter can be a beautiful and magical time of year, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. One of the biggest challenges for homeowners is dealing with snow. From shoveling to plowing, snow removal can be a daunting and exhausting task. However, with the right knowledge and tools, it can become a manageable and even enjoyable chore. In this blog post, we will discuss the do's and don'ts of residential snow removal and provide tips on how to make the process easier.

The Do's of Residential Snow Removal

1. Do Invest in the Right Equipment

The first step in successful snow removal is having the right equipment. This includes a shovel, snow blower, or plow depending on the amount of snow in your area. Make sure to purchase high-quality and durable equipment to avoid any additional stress or costs down the road.

2. Do Dress Appropriately

When it comes to snow removal, dressing for the occasion is crucial. Make sure to wear warm, waterproof clothing, including gloves, hats, and boots. Layering is key to staying warm and comfortable while shoveling snow.

3. Do Clear Snow as Soon as Possible

Snow that has been sitting for too long can become packed and heavier, making it harder to remove. To make snow removal easier, clear it as soon as possible after it has fallen. This will also prevent ice from forming, reducing the risk of slips and falls.

4. Do Take Breaks

Shoveling snow can be a physically demanding task, and it's important to pace yourself and take breaks when needed. Remember to stay hydrated and listen to your body. Overexertion can lead to serious injuries, such as back pain or heart problems.

5. Do Be Mindful of Underground Utilities

Before you start shoveling or plowing, make sure to locate any underground utilities, such as gas or water lines. Accidentally hitting these can cause severe damage and be costly to repair. If you're unsure, contact your local utility company for assistance.

The Don'ts of Residential Snow Removal

1. Don't Wait Too Long to Start

Procrastination is never a good idea when it comes to snow removal. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to remove the snow. It's also important to note that in some areas, there are laws requiring property owners to clear their sidewalks within a certain timeframe after a snowfall.

2. Don't Use Improper Shoveling Techniques

Believe it or not, there is a right and wrong way to shovel snow. Improper shoveling techniques can cause strains or sprains in your back and shoulders. Make sure to lift with your legs, keep your back straight, and push the snow rather than lifting it whenever possible.

3. Don't Use Hot Water to Melt Ice

On particularly icy days, it may be tempting to pour hot water over your driveway or sidewalk to melt the ice. However, this can ultimately make the situation worse as the melted water may refreeze, creating an even more slippery surface.

4. Don't Forget About Safety

Safety should always be a top priority when removing snow. Make sure your driveway and sidewalks are well-lit, and use salt or sand to provide traction on icy surfaces. If possible, have someone else help you with the task to make it quicker and safer.

5. Don't Neglect Your Neighbors

Helping your neighbors with snow removal not only builds a sense of community but also makes the process more manageable. Plus, if your neighbors are elderly or have health issues, it's the neighborly thing to do. You never know when you may need their help in return.

Tips for Easier Residential Snow Removal

1. Use Salt or Sand for Traction

Salt or sand can help provide traction on slippery surfaces, making it easier for you to walk or drive on them. Before shoveling, sprinkle them on your driveway and sidewalks to prevent slips and falls.

2. Keep Drains and Gutters Clear

Make sure to clear any drains and gutters on your property to prevent water from accumulating and refreezing. This can cause major damage to your home and create hazardous conditions.

3. Remove Snow in Layers

If there is a substantial amount of snow on your property, it's best to remove it in layers rather than all at once. This will prevent the snow from being too heavy, making it easier to remove and avoiding any strain or injury.

4. Create a Path in Your Yard

After a heavy snowfall, create a path in your yard to walk on, rather than trudging through the deep snow. This will not only make it easier for you to navigate your property, but it will also prevent you from damaging your grass and plants.

5. Invest in Professional Snow Removal Services

If you live in an area with heavy snowfall or are unable to remove the snow yourself, consider hiring a professional snow removal service. They have the necessary equipment and expertise to quickly and efficiently clear your property of snow.

Snow removal may seem like an overwhelming task, but with the right knowledge and tools, it can be a manageable and even enjoyable chore. By following the dos and don'ts of residential snow removal and implementing these helpful tips, you can make the process easier and safer. And if all else fails, remember to contact North Star Cleaning & Restoration Inc. for professional snow removal services. Don't let snow stress you out this winter, let us do the heavy lifting for you.

Take the Stress out of Snow Removal in Saskatoon, SK with North Star Cleaning & Restoration Inc.

Don't let snow removal ruin your winter. At North Star Cleaning & Restoration Inc., we understand the challenges that come with snow removal and are here to help. Our team of highly trained and experienced professionals provides top-of-the-line snow removal services in Saskatoon, S, and the surrounding areas.

We also offer a wide range of other services, including carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, odor control, water damage restoration, hauling and refuse removal, and junk removal. Contact us at (306) 374-7827 for a free quote and let us handle the snow, so you can enjoy the winter wonderland without any stress.


  • How often should I clear my driveway and sidewalks of snow?

    It's best to clear snow as soon as possible after it has fallen. In some areas, there are laws requiring property owners to clear their sidewalks within a certain timeframe after a snowfall.

  • Can I use hot water to melt ice?

    No, using hot water can create more dangerous conditions as the water may refreeze and create a slippery surface.

  • Should I shovel or use a snow blower?

    It depends on personal preference and the amount of snow in your area. Snow blowers are typically quicker and require less physical exertion, but they can also be expensive. Shoveling can be a good form of exercise but can also be exhausting and time-consuming.

  • How can I prevent ice from forming on my property?

    You can prevent ice from forming by clearing snow as soon as possible, keeping gutters and drains clean, and using salt or sand for traction on icy surfaces.

  • What if I am unable to remove snow myself?

    If you are unable to remove snow yourself, consider hiring a professional snow removal service. They have the necessary equipment and expertise to quickly and efficiently clear your property of snow.

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